Supplier Day Blog

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Mixed Messages

It is a classic story, as old as time, of the tensions found between buyers and sellers. We have all heard the horror stories that have occurred from either side of the scale, Buyer focuses on cutting costs while suppliers fall short of their promised deliverables.

Vodafone has been on a big value creation transformation journey, aiming to evolve its positioning from being just a telecoms company to becoming a tech comms platform. On this panel, charied by Caitlyn Lewis (MD SupplierDay), Ninian Wilson (CEO Vodafone Procurement Company), Kenneth Graham, (CEO Tomorrow Street), Paresh Modi (Group Head Of Innovation at Vodafone) and Chris Howath (MD Global Account Lead at Accenture), talk about how they collaborate cross-organisationally to deliver value through collaboration.

Marc Engel has been centrally involved with the movement that Unilever has been making for over a decade now towards sustainability and engaging intensely with suppliers to build out their supplier ecosystem. Unilever started its sustainability journey with a program called Partner to Win, and recently they’ve launched a new program called Partners with Purpose. Marc shares with us what this journey has looked like, where Unilever is now, and what the next steps are going to be for Partners to Purpose.

Top 20 Clubhouse Procurement Profiles

Whether you rolled your eyes at the announcement of Clubhouse’s launch or were one of the first to get yourself a profile on the platform, there’s no denying that it is a great channel for dialling things back a bit: In an era of video call after video call, interrupted only by a little bit of homeschooling,

Why Virtual, Why Now?

You’re a torchbearer, a change-maker, a leader with a vision and a goal to galvanise your supporters. You know that how you communicate will determine whether or not you achieve your goal and you’re at a critical juncture.

Monthly Reflections: November 2021

November has been far from quiet. We knew what was lined up, but experiencing it is so different. When we hold client events, the whole team becomes immersed within the process and it is only after its end that we can take a deep breath and reflect back on how it went. This month we...

Supplier Days are your lightning bolt

Supplier Day is well versed in the idea that what you measure influences performance. Linking executive compensation to meeting Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) goals is becoming a practice adopted by several leading companies. Amongst the most recent: VW, Deutsche Bank and Apple. At VW, ESG criteria will be integrated into bonus calculations for the management board. Deutsche Bank will tie the salaries of its supervisory and management boards members to sustainability criteria. And Apple is introducing an ESG modifier that will be incorporated into their incentive scheme.