Supplier Day Blog

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Bayer INL Nov 2022

Organisations across the world are entering periods of uncertainty. And with the rising number of issues Procurement are facing, the best way to tackle them is together with your supply chain. But to ensure your suppliers are fully aligned with your vision, organisations need to engage in regular supplier events. Something Bayer has already started with their Igniting Networks Live event series. And with the successful completion of their second Igniting Network Live event, the true value of hosting regular events is already shining through.


Gender Equality within Procurement is an element that, more often than not, gets lost within the discourse of ESG commitments and goals. To remedy this, Logitech, alongside their fellow members at The Coalition for Gender Fair Procurement, hosted their very first supplier day, spotlighting the efforts organisations can and should be doing to establish gender parity as an industry standard within Procurement. To enhance their efforts, Supplier Day introduced one of our most important and effective values, Strategic Empathy. Designed to hone the event’s audiences, messaging, and content, Supplier Day works closely with the Coalition to deliver a thought-provoking event, in an empathetic manner.

Emma Howcroft is the Global Sourcing Sustainability Director of Avantor Sciences, a life sciences company focusing on biopharma lab consumables and chemicals. Emma is in charge of launching Avantor’s new Responsible Suppliers Program, with the goal to accelerate sustainability within the company’s external supply chain. In this video, she shares some of the successes and...

How can the Aviation Industry fly towards a better future

The aviation industry has experienced significant changes over the last few years. From a global pandemic which brought all flying to a halt, to the increasing need to reduce their carbon emissions, airlines have had to recognise a shift in industry priorities and adapt accordingly. But what are some of the main challenges airlines are currently facing, and how can working closely with their suppliers provide them with a solution?

The Importance of Sustainability within Supply Chains.

Despite producing more than 80% of an organisation’s carbon emissions, suppliers continue to be excluded from discussions concerning ESG and sustainability. This is a huge oversight by companies looking to implement the best sustainability practices across their network. Sustainability is the future, but to achieve that future, organisations need to embrace both the changes they are hoping to bring, as well as the long-term benefits they can unlock, simply by working alongside their suppliers.

What is a Supplier Day and Why is it important?

Supplier days has been around for years, and yet many organisations know very little about what it is and just how much it can help them. Suppliers are one of the most valuable assets within any organisation but in order to foster stronger relationships and gain alignment on your core values, you need more than your standard forms of communications. You need a supplier day!

On Wednesday 27th April, Supplier Day hosted and participated in Vizibl’s Decade of our Lives: Turning Objectives into Action, their third event in a series of webinars spotlighting the most planet critical missions: Climate, Carbon, and the Scope 3 Challenge. We were joined by Thomas Udesen, CPO of Bayer and Co-Founder of The Sustainable Procurement Pledge, who shared his insights into how corporations can turn their ESG objectives into concrete action.