Supplier Day Blog

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How can the Aviation Industry fly towards a better future

The aviation industry has experienced significant changes over the last few years. From a global pandemic which brought all flying to a halt, to the increasing need to reduce their carbon emissions, airlines have had to recognise a shift in industry priorities and adapt accordingly. But what are some of the main challenges airlines are currently facing, and how can working closely with their suppliers provide them with a solution?

Top 20 Clubhouse Procurement Profiles

Whether you rolled your eyes at the announcement of Clubhouse’s launch or were one of the first to get yourself a profile on the platform, there’s no denying that it is a great channel for dialling things back a bit: In an era of video call after video call, interrupted only by a little bit of homeschooling,

Why Virtual, Why Now?

You’re a torchbearer, a change-maker, a leader with a vision and a goal to galvanise your supporters. You know that how you communicate will determine whether or not you achieve your goal and you’re at a critical juncture.