How Vodafone Drive Collaboration Across the Value Chain

Vodafone has been on a big value creation transformation journey, aiming to evolve its positioning from being just a telecoms company to becoming a tech comms platform.

On this panel, charied by Caitlyn Lewis (MD SupplierDay), Ninian Wilson (CEO Vodafone Procurement Company), Kenneth Graham, (CEO Tomorrow Street), Paresh Modi (Group Head Of Innovation at Vodafone) and Chris Howath (MD Global Account Lead at Accenture), talk about how they collaborate cross-organisationally to deliver value through collaboration.
What is Covered:


  • Why Vodafone wants to differentiate from other telecoms companies
  • How Tomorrow Street supports transformation at Vodafone
  • The difference between being a supplier and being a strategic partnering
  • How Vodafone’s business model is changing in order to become a tech comms platform
  • Day-to-day processes that drive collaboration across Vodafone’s value chain
  • How scale-ups are helping Vodafone to embrace more of a failing fast mentality
  • How Vodafone system can be currently described


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