Supplier Day Blog

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The Importance of Sustainability within Supply Chains.

Despite producing more than 80% of an organisation’s carbon emissions, suppliers continue to be excluded from discussions concerning ESG and sustainability. This is a huge oversight by companies looking to implement the best sustainability practices across their network. Sustainability is the future, but to achieve that future, organisations need to embrace both the changes they are hoping to bring, as well as the long-term benefits they can unlock, simply by working alongside their suppliers.

What is a Supplier Day and Why is it important?

Supplier days has been around for years, and yet many organisations know very little about what it is and just how much it can help them. Suppliers are one of the most valuable assets within any organisation but in order to foster stronger relationships and gain alignment on your core values, you need more than your standard forms of communications. You need a supplier day!

On Wednesday 27th April, Supplier Day hosted and participated in Vizibl’s Decade of our Lives: Turning Objectives into Action, their third event in a series of webinars spotlighting the most planet critical missions: Climate, Carbon, and the Scope 3 Challenge. We were joined by Thomas Udesen, CPO of Bayer and Co-Founder of The Sustainable Procurement Pledge, who shared his insights into how corporations can turn their ESG objectives into concrete action.


After two years of unprecedented disruption, Bayer wanted to engage its most valued suppliers in a redesign of how they would collaborate and grow together going forwards... with sustainability at the core. Having worked with Supplier Day on its bi-annual Bayer Supplier Day in November 2021, Bayer is now restructuring its supply chain collaboration programme to feature more frequent virtual events, large and small, to capture the true power of its supplier community.

sustainability is given

Companies are transforming their product lines to become sustainable and are questioning some of the fundamental assumptions about delivering value whilst ensuring they serve the communities within which they operate. As a result, the visions companies are setting themselves are becoming more inspiring, exciting and creatively demanding

Mixed Messages

It is a classic story, as old as time, of the tensions found between buyers and sellers. We have all heard the horror stories that have occurred from either side of the scale, Buyer focuses on cutting costs while suppliers fall short of their promised deliverables.

Vodafone has been on a big value creation transformation journey, aiming to evolve its positioning from being just a telecoms company to becoming a tech comms platform. On this panel, charied by Caitlyn Lewis (MD SupplierDay), Ninian Wilson (CEO Vodafone Procurement Company), Kenneth Graham, (CEO Tomorrow Street), Paresh Modi (Group Head Of Innovation at Vodafone) and Chris Howath (MD Global Account Lead at Accenture), talk about how they collaborate cross-organisationally to deliver value through collaboration.