The Regen Movement: Part 1

Created in collaboration with Siemens, The Regen Movement is a unique and bespoke series of events, designed to unite organisations with their strategic suppliers to develop new and innovative solutions to their corporate challenges.

But why did Supplier Day create it?
The Regen Movement: Part 1
Why did we create the Regen Movement?


Supplier Day developed the Regen Movement, in collaboration with Siemens, to demonstrate the power of collective action as a catalyst for change and progression within Procurement. 


We created the Regen Movement to


Untap Supplier Relationship

Untap Supplier Value

Untap Enterprise Value


Our key design principles were


The process had to be scalable

The process had to be self-sustainable

And the stages had to be fluid


What to know more about the Regen Journey? Check out The Regen Movement: Part 2 here.



Want to know more about the success we have had with the Regen process to date?

Get in touch with us here to find out more.  
