A collective human experience that creates energy, unlocks opportunity and accelerates action.
SIEMENS invited Supplier Day, global specialists in accelerating action through ‘empowering ecosystem experiences’, to engage the supply chain in Siemens’ public commitment to be carbon neutral by 2030.
The 6 hour event was built on Supplier Day’s ‘Freedom and Focus’ blueprint, where a variety of collaborative virtual experiences stimulated the richest responses to Siemens’ clearly defined sustainability goals.
Pre-event priming, unexpected energising events, surprise C-suite drop-ins and purposefully designed interactive labs all played their part in an experience where virtual technology supercharged the realisation of Siemens’ Untapped Supplier ValueTM.
Supplier day confirmed our belief in the powerful results that can be achieved with a virtual experience, if you do it with the right people, at the right time, in the right way.”
– Carl Ennis | CEO Siemens UK&I